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SolarEdge irradiation sensor SE1000-SEN-IRR-S1

Manufacturer Art. No.: SE1000-SEN-IRR-S1
Art. Nr.: 860
Accessory type: Sensors
  • DE20777619
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Product number: 860
Prices are only visible to business customers upon successful registration.
Available from stock
Product number: 860
Environmental sensors are used to measure the irradiance, temperature and wind speed at the site of the plant and calculate the system's performance ratio (PR). The sensors are connected to the SolarEdge control and communication gateway and the measurements are displayed in the SolarEdge monitoring portal. Up to three sensors can be connected to a control and communication gateway. Additional sensors can be installed by using multiple gateways.
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SolarEdge irradiation sensor SE1000-SEN-IRR-S1
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