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meteocontrol OpenVPN blueLog XM / XC licence

Manufacturer Art. No.: 557005
Art. Nr.: 6853
Accessory type: Data-logger
  • DE20681702
Prices are only visible to business customers upon successful registration.
Available from stock
Product number: 6853
Prices are only visible to business customers upon successful registration.
Available from stock
Product number: 6853

Establish a direct connection with the meteocontrol OpenVPN blueLog XM / XC licence!

Secure remote access to the blue'Log XM / XC data loggers can be established via OpenVPN without an additional OpenVPN router or further router configuration. This is possible thanks to the integrated OpenVPN-Client of the blue'Log. The OpenVPN licence enables this function on the data logger.

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meteocontrol OpenVPN blueLog XM / XC Lizenz
meteocontrol OpenVPN blueLog XM / XC licence
Available from stock